Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fisher Hill Workbooks Part Two

This week’s blog is about the four workbook series offered by Fisher Hill that can be used together by Spanish-speaking teens and adults to learn how to read, spell, and write in English.   The four series are English Reading and Spelling for the Spanish Speaker, English Reading Comprehension for the Spanish Speaker, English Writing Composition for the Spanish Speaker and English Vocabulary for the Spanish Speaker.

When using the four series, English Reading and Spelling for the Spanish Speaker comes first.  This series is the foundation for the other series.  After completing Book 1 in the English Reading and Spelling for the Spanish Speaker series, Book 1 from any of the other three series may be used.

English Reading and Spelling for Spanish Speakers is a six book series.  The series uses a very systematic and explicit approach in teaching the speech sounds that are necessary to read and spell.  The word lists are in Spanish and English and all the directions are in Spanish with English translations.

English Reading Comprehension for the Spanish Speaker is also a six work series.  This series helps Spanish speakers improve their English reading comprehension.

The six book series English Reading Composition for the Spanish Speaker helps students improve their writing skills.

The six book series English Vocabulary for the Spanish Speaker reinforces the vocabulary presented in the other three series.

Visit our website at www.Fisher-Hill.com to see all of our workbooks for Spanish-speaking teens and adults.

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